Sarah Schleich

b.1982  FR , LU


2001 - 2009
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf (Prof. Tal R, Prof. Rissa)


residencies & scholarship


  • Kö-Galerie, Düsseldorf, 2. Kunstförderpreis
  • Stipendium der Friedrich J. H. Schneider-Stiftung


  • Stipendium Rotary Deutschland


  • Stipendium Cité des Arts, Paris, by the Ministry of Culture Luxembourg


  • Musée National de l’histoire et de l’art (MNHA), Luxembourg 
  • Wirtschaftsministerium NRW, Germany 
  • Ministère de la Culture, Luxembourg

Sarah Schleich’s work revolves around values and traditions. Her art is a hybrid combination of painting and sewing, where each piece fits perfectly to create a scene, a complete set.
Her favourite fabric is the french Toile de Jouy whose patterns are reminiscent of the famous Villeroy and Boch porcelain. In her compositions, Sarah explores the qualities of textile, such as the shine or weight of the fabric, thus recalling her freedom of spirit. But in the end, our painter, attached to family traditions, tries to revive the most precious memories of our childhood, while asserting herself as a woman of her time and simultaneously embracing the best of tradition.

Emilie Di Vincenzo

Selection of exhibitions

group exhibitions


  • What the Flag?!, Off site project Cercle Cité, organised in the framwork of the European Design Festival in collaboration with Greylight Projects (NL), Luxembourg (curated by Anastasia Chaguidouline and Wouter Huis)
  • Au fil de la mémoire, Galerie Regala, Arles, France


  • Quai 39, Kulturbahnhof Kassel, parallel programm of documenta fifteen, Kassel, Germany


  • Art2Cure, Galerie d’Indépendance BIL, Luxembourg


  • CAL Salon 2020 (Cercle artistique du Luxembourg), Luxembourg (Jurymitglieder: Christian Mosar, art director Konschthal/ Suzanne Cotter, director Musée d’art moderne Grand-Duc Jean (MUDAM)/ Guy Thewes, historian and director of the museum of the city of Luxembourg/ Dr Gabriele Lohberg, former director Europäische Kunstakademie Trier) 


  • CAL Salon 2020 (Cercle artistique du Luxembourg), Luxembourg


  • INTRO Painting, Galerie beim Engel, Luxembourg 
  • New Painting Luxembourg, Abtei Neimënster, Luxembourg  (curated by Didier Damiani)


  • Märkisches Museum, Boesner Art Award, Witten, Germany (Jurymitglieder: Prof. Dr. Monika Wagner, Professorin an der Universität Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rübel von der Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Dresden; Prof. Dr. Kunibert Bering, Professor der Didaktik der Bildenden Künste der Kunstakademie Düsseldorf; Dirk Steimann und Christoph Kohl vom Kulturforum und Märkischen Museum Witten)


  • Galerie FB69, Kontakt Einseins, Münster, Germany
  • Meet! Artproject, Hannover, Germany
  • Kunstpreis Trier Saarburg, Museum Glockengießerei Mabilon, Saarburg, Germany

solo exhibitions


  • Boys don’t cry, CAW, Walferdange, Luxembourg (curated by Sandra Schwender)


  • SixDeux, Salle des pendus, Lasauvage, Luxembourg (Esch2022)


  • Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rom, Italy (curated by Dr. Lydia Thorn Wickert)


  • 3 min in love, Galerie Arteversum, Düsseldorf, Germany